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1.0 ~2.0 Ton Electric Pallet Stacker CDD12

$0.00100% Off$0.00

Sold By:marshell

1. Small size, light, flexible, simple operation;2. With release brake, reverse brake, and three kinds of emergency brake functions to ensure the safety of the car;3.Adopting permanent magnet motor with excellent performance and low heat generation;
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1.0 ~2.0 Ton Electric Pallet Stacker CDD12

Electric Pallet Stacker CDD12 Advantages

1. Small size, light, flexible, simple operation;

2. With release brake, reverse brake, and three kinds of emergency brake functions to ensure the safety of the car;

3. Adopting permanent magnet motor with excellent performance and low heat generation;

4. Built-in charger, colloidal maintenance-free battery, easy to use and maintenance-free;

5. CURTIS control system, control precision, high efficiency, and stability;

6. Reinforced design of fork supporting arm, high overall strength, not easy deformed.

Electric Pallet Stacker CDD12 Technical Parameters
Load capacity/rated load1200  kg
Load center distancec600  mm
Overall length1742  mm
Overall widthb1800  mm
Overall heighth62052  mm
wheelbasey1225  mm
Height(handle)h41290  mm
Fork height,loweredh385  mm
Max.lift heighth11600/2500/3000mm
Min.ground clearancem130  mm
Forks outside widthb2560/685mm
Forks dimensions/el55/160/1150mm
Max.lift speed unladen135  mm/s
Max.lift speed laden100  mm/s
Max. travel speed unladen3  km/h speed laden3  km/h
Min. turning  radiusWa1415  mm
Max. gradability,laden3  %
Max. gradability,unladen5  %
Weight(unladen)620  kg
Battery capacity80  Ah
Battery voltage24  V
Lift motor(DC)DC2  KW
Drive motor(DC)DC1  KW
Aisle width for lengthways1000*1200 tray2225  mm
Aisle width for lengthways800*1200 tray2150  mm
Container quantity20GP/40HQ6/13unit

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